Something to Shout About – What People are Saying about The Mercury Model
‘Fish Can’t Climb Trees is the essential handbook for all Teachers faced with the daily task of motivating and engaging students in the classroom. It offers a detailed insight into how each individual absorbs and processes information – how they learn. Those students who are difficult to teach, who do not respond to the usual teaching styles, can be reached via another channel, by targeting them through the way in which they learn as individuals.
This approach has been proven to reduce disruption in the classroom and offers a real breakthrough for those students who think that education is a waste of time. Founded on practical experience, full of useful advice to enable you to be an effective and affective teacher, it comes highly recommended.’
Chris Lane, PhD, M.N.G.S., M.R.S, UK
‘Just met with a friend I’ve known for 40 years…she told me she has lost count of how many of your books she has given as gifts. That it is the most valuable book she has ever read. Her son is a bass player in a hard rock band in LA and a yoga instructor….it is his bible for relating to the rest of the band members and just about everyone in his life. Thought you might like to know how important your work is to so many of us! Love it, love you! Can’t wait for the next one!’
Janis Ligon, USA
‘The Mercury Model training did just what I wanted – acted as an ice-breaker and raised awareness of our individual learning needs. New members got to know about their colleagues very quickly.’
Graham Whitehead, UK
‘Whether or not you can accept the value of the theories behind Helyn’s analysis of learning styles, the fact remains that she presents one of the most readable, accessible, useful and compelling cases to emerge over the last 30 years.’
Adrienne Carmichael, LLB, MEd, Senior Inspector/Advisor 14-19 Education, UK
‘Learniverse is an educational media start-up that is developing a video-based science curriculum. Helyn worked with the company’s three primary partners, focusing on strategies to improve our interaction. The Mercury Model allowed us to understand each other’s learning styles, specifically how each of us processes information. Helyn provided insights on how to avoid tripping each other’s’ emotional triggers. This training has had a lasting and positive influence on how we work and communicate, meaningfully and effectively, with one another.’
Tracey Graffam-Dickson, USA
‘It takes some adjustment to realise that what I thought was a weakness is actually strength. Some re-jigging of concepts is called for. And knowing the details of each person’s style can be of enormous value when working on a one-to-one level. With the Mercury Model I can know in advance about a client’s learning style, even before I meet them, and can prepare accordingly. It would be especially useful for a teacher to determine the common ground they share with a student whose progress they’re less than happy with.’
Zohar Hartley, UK
‘The Mercury Model is an innovative way of creating deeper levels of mutual trust, respect and support between team members. The training clearly shows a team how each of them has unique capabilities and contributions to make. Unlike other development programmes, it has nothing to do with exposing weaknesses. It becomes clear why some individuals find it hard to work together constructively, and this recognition improves relationships as each learns to adapt their messages to suit the other.’
Liz Taylor, UK
‘The Mercury Model has been an eye-opener. It allows you to understand how you communicate and how others communicate, which then allows the communication between yourself and others to be smoother and more effective. Personally, it has given me a greater understanding of myself. I realize why I ask certain questions and I no longer expect others to communicate or respond the same as me, as we all have different styles.’
Lynne MacDonald, UK
‘I would like to share some thoughts on the importance of what you are doing. Looking at the big picture, it seems that growth or evolution of consciousness is the ‘prime directive’. As humans we have become self-conscious, but have become overly identified with the ‘receiver’, which is the mind. We are in the process of learning to transcend the mind, so that it can become the wonderful tool it was meant to be, instead of an end in itself. Mercury represents the fundamental pivot point that will set us free, as it is impossible to master something that you don’t understand. Your Mercury Model has afforded me the opportunity to own and work with my ‘mental team’ and for that I am truly grateful.’
Will Tyers, North America
‘I’m delighted Fish Can’t Climb Trees has been shortlisted for the Foreword Reviews INDIES 2016 Book of the Year Award in Education. Whilst the subject is something which affects us all, this brand new look at how individuals learn and communicate is brilliantly written. Helyn brings the 12 individual learning styles to life with her characters, and the case studies she shares show the practical application of the Mercury Model. This book has changed how I communicate with my teenage children, and has improved our relationships. I also use it when working with clients, to ensure I present my work in the best way for them to learn. It’s a truly life changing book and will have an impact for generations.’
Tracey-Jane Hughes, UK
‘This is such a useful book, both in terms of understanding personal learning style but also in knowing the best way to teach and communicate with others. An invaluable resource for any teacher, mentor or trainer, and written with such great style and humour that it makes for an enjoyable read.’
Sandy D, UK
‘Having worked as an educator for many years, I can say that all students would benefit from the knowledge of different learning styles and most effective approaches to teaching presented in Connerr’s book. It is an invaluable tool for educators, parents, and life-long learners who seek to understand and respect the varied ways that individual human beings learn and communicate.
This thoughtful book offers hope and real ways to help people gain insight and appreciate one another in times like these when many are becoming increasingly polarized, intransigent, and disrespectful. Heeding and implementing ideas and suggestions in this book would greatly reduce pain, frustration and feelings of failure in learning situations and interpersonal relationships.’
Diane N Taylor, Exeter (NH) Elementary Schools Library Media Specialist and School Librarian, Camp Director, USA
‘A revelation! As a wife and mother, I wish I had read this book 30 years ago.’
A. Hawson MA, RGN, JP.
‘Fish Can’t Climb Trees presents a masterful solution to every communication problem that exists between people. How we receive and process information is crucial to communication within groups, within families and in any negotiation, personal or international. Connerr has gifted us with her innovative introduction of archetypes that would make Carl Jung smile. Communication problems solved!’
Rev. Bonney Rega, M.Ed., Educator, Artist, Author, USA